Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Unspoken Mission: The Deliberate Disintegration of America

Saman Mohammadi
May 19, 2011

“Great men, great nations, have not been boasters and buffoons, but perceivers of the terror of life, and have manned themselves to face it.”

 – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Authoritarian globalism, not terrorism, is the biggest threat America and the Western world faces. Terrorism is an invented distraction to keep the police and military guards occupied, and a government trick whose purpose is to scare the people into giving up their natural rights and accept the total government takeover of their lives and society.

When we read that nations like Libya and Iran are rogue regimes, which are regimes that pose a threat to the lawless international banking establishment, we should remember that America was a revolutionary nation and a rogue regime of its own day in the eyes of the financial tyrants. Back when America was a free and independent nation and not a mercenary nation for the bloodsucking global private central bankers it did not start large wars or slander other nations. But those days were over when the private Federal Reserve Bank was established in 1913. Soon after America became a puppet for the criminal internationalist bankers and oligarchs, and began to lose its soul.

Nearly a century after the creation of the monstrous Fed, America is on the verge of starting a new world war in the Middle East to protect the interests of its global oligarchical masters. Regimes that are not subservient to the lawless international banking establishment have to be eliminated and destroyed.

The road to World War III and the centralized global government that is being designed to take shape after the war is over has been paved with the blood of innocent Americans who were murdered on September 11, 2001 by the tricksters and traitors in the United States government.

The September 11 attacks made clear three facts: the total loss of representative and lawful government, the planned destruction of America’s constitutional republic, and the beginning of a new dictatorial order based on the total subversion of civil society to an Orwellian world state controlled and owned by the global private banking system and the monopolistic corporations that profit from this unfair system.

There is a globalist war against America, but the weapons are fear, propaganda, and disinformation, not bombs and cruise missiles. The political use of state terrorism and fear against the American people by the political, financial and military establishment in Washington means that the hijacked U.S. government is afraid of the American people. The rulers in Washington have not only betrayed the interests of the American people, but they are waging a full-scale war against the American people and against the constitutional institutions of America.

The English essayist William Hazlitt said that in times of tyranny the interests of the people and the interests of the government are separated and the government by nature becomes the main enemy of the people. Hazlitt:

That Government is instituted for the benefit of the governed, there can be little doubt; but the interests of the Government (when once it becomes absolute and independent of the people) must be directly at variance with those of the governed. The interests of the one are common and equal rights: of the other, exclusive and invidious privileges. (Hazlitt: “What Is The People” from ‘The Fight and Other Writings’; pg. 367).

Whenever the people are betrayed, robbed and murdered by their political leaders there is a need for a revolution. Putting off the inevitable solution to tyranny only makes the correction more painful and the suffering of the people more extreme. The terror of change is hard to overcome but survival depends on it. If the people do not act quickly and aggressively to recover their freedoms and retake their government then they will be destroyed by their political overlords. We are seeing this in America. The country is being deliberately brought down to its knees. A controlled demolition and collapse of America’s constitutional government and American society is under away.

II. The Deliberate Disintegration and Destruction of America: The Eight Phases of America’s Controlled Collapse

Below I will briefly list the eight phases of America’s controlled collapse and disintegration and the five fronts in the war against America. Some of these phases have already been completed but not all may come to fruition if the American people are informed of the threats to their liberty, life, and country by the hijacked federal government and if they collectively resist their enslavement. The same applies for the people of Canada, England, Australia, and other Western countries.

Phase One: Militarizing The Police And Turning The Police Against The People

In the beginning of the 1970s, after the Civil Rights movement achieved victories for the people, the U.S. government began infringing on the civil rights of the people all over again, and this time it was done under the cover of the “War on Drugs.” This war is not a faithful and honest war but a political war that was deliberately designed to take away the liberties of the American people, mostly black people, and unjustly imprison them in order to raise profits for a new prison industry.

Through the false and illegal war on drugs the police of every state has been brainwashed, militarized, brought under federal control, and received billions of dollars to chase around drug addicts and intimidate poor people. Naturally, this has created hostility between the people and the police. The police is seen as an occupying army on American streets which is an accurate representation because the government that they work for and defend has been hijacked and taken over by criminal bankers and globalist oligarchs.

Phase Two: Mercenary-Military Takeover of America’s Constitutional Government Through The CIA and Military-Industrial Complex

The biggest lie that the U.S. government tells the American people is this one: We work for you. Nothing could be more false. The federal government works for the American people today in the same way that the Soviet Union worked for the American people during the Cold War. The truth is that America’s chief political representatives and leaders are murderers and state terrorists, not protectors of America and the U.S. constitution. They are enemies of the public order and the common good of all.

Ever since President John F. Kennedy was murdered by the CIA the American government has not worked for the interests of the American people, but for a fascist clique and politically connected war racketeers who operate the CIA and the military-industrial complex. President Harry S. Truman correctly referred to the CIA as the “American Gestapo.” It is led by anti-American traitors and war criminals who would prefer America to be a dictatorship than a free society.

Phase Three: The Complete Banking Takeover and Financial Rape of America

By now most people realize that the big banks on Wall Street robbed America and fleeced the American people. Watch this great interview of author Nomi Prins by Alex Jones on May 16, 2011 called ” The Federal Reserve Holding America Hostage.” Also, read these three articles of mine: Banksters Raped A Blindfolded America, Private Global Bankers = The Priesthood of Modern Western Civilization, and Greg Palast: “Remove the Bloodsuckers.” And watch these videos by Alex Jones called The Banking Cartels Takeover: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3.

Part Four: Instituting a Regime of Repression and Terror, Enacting Emergency Law, Suspending the Constitution, Enlarging Executive Power, And Creating New Federal Agencies like Homeland Security to Spy on the American People and Treat Them Like Cattle

This phase speaks for itself. Professor Peter Dale Scott and others have written about the plan by Dick Cheney and the treasonous faction in the U.S. government to go ahead with Continuity of Government plans. I call this the COG in the War Machine. Read Professor Scott’s article, Supplanting the United States Constitution: War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government.” And watch John Whitehead’s informative interview of constitutional scholar and author Bruce Fein about his book ‘ American Empire Before the Fall ‘: Part 1; Part 2.

Phase Five: Stage False Flag Attacks To Increase The Power of The Government and Frighten The People

The tactic of false flag operations is a no-brainer if you’re a tyrant. And it is self-explanatory so I won’t go into much detail. Articles to read: ‘America: A State of Terror’ – ‘Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror’ – ‘Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag.’

Phase Six: The Criminalization of Patriotism and Dissent

Alex Jones has talked about the fact that the U.S. terror state is now demonizing and targeting people inside America. The myth of the “White Al-Qaeda” is now being spread in the U.S. media in anticipation for future attacks against political resisters. The American white man is being called a domestic terrorist, a racist, and an extremist for refusing to submit to the criminal government in Washington. Expressing patriotism in ways other than supporting the troops and being informed about the Constitution is viewed as a threat to the treasonous establishment in D.C.

Phase Seven: The U.S. Government’s War on Questioning and Human Reason

Another part of the government’s demonization campaign is the oppressive use of language. Terms like “conspiracy theorist” and “domestic terrorists” are invented to isolate political resistance and make the general public believe that questioning the government is an act of delusion and a crime. Calling political dissidents mentally ill and conspiracy theorists for questioning the policies and statements of the U.S. government is a trick that the Soviet Union also used against its own political dissidents. A good article to read on this subject is ‘The Psychologisation of Dissent: The Global Warming Skepticism Mental Disorder’ by Brendan O’Neill, the editor of Spiked Online. O’Neill writes:

Psychologising dissent, and refusing to recognise, much less engage with, the substance of people’s disagreements – their political objections, their rational criticisms, their desire to do things differently – is the hallmark of authoritarian regimes.

Phase Seven: Rounding Up Political Dissidents Into Concentration Camps, Disarmament, Torture, and Wiping Out The Enemies of The New Authoritarian Regime

To understand what America’s concentration camps might look like and what they will be used for, watch this 18 minute video of Chile’s concentration camps under General Pinochet ‘s regime.

The government threat of disarming the American people to prevent them from fighting for their freedoms is very real, but some threats cannot be carried out. Japanese Admiral Yamamoto said near the beginning of World War II that “You cannot invade America. There is a rifle behind every blade of grass.” This fact hasn’t changed in seventy years.

Phase Eight: Total Slavery For The People, Acceptance of New Government Structure, New Currency, And New Way of Life.

If all goes according to plan, America will be no more. A North American Union with a whole new political system and laws is being planned for North America, and it will then be connected with the European Union and other global bodies to form a unified and authoritarian world state.

Many people believe a new world state is necessary for humanity to survive and for the global community to prosper in these challenging times. The people who are involved in the conspiracy against America, Canada, and Mexico do not believe that they are committing evil by lying to the people and keeping the agenda for world government a secret. They honestly believe they are doing good. Obviously, they are mistaken because good deeds are transparent. Secrecy breeds corruption and tyranny. A global government controlled and owned by a ruthless and cunning private international banking establishment along with multinational corporations will be an absolute disaster for the human race, much like the Soviet Union was a disaster for Russia in the last century.

III. The Deliberate Disintegration and Destruction of America: The Five Fronts In The War Against America

There are many fronts in the globalist war against America besides the five listed below such as the biological front and the cultural front, but I believe these are the most important.

Front One: Psychological Front – Psychological Warfare

There is a concerted, deliberate, and systematic effort to psychologically condition the American people into accepting the war on terror as a justified war, and the attack on their freedoms as reasonable and good. The brainwashing of the American citizenry began long before September 11, 2001, but the neocon gang and Bush administration took it to an extreme, which has backfired against the dark establishment in Washington.

Dutch-American psychoanalyst Joost A.M. Meerloo, author of the 1956 book, “The Rape of the Mind,” wrote in a chapter called ‘The Cold War Against the Mind’ that totalitarian regimes act irrationally in order to fool their enemies, both foreign and domestic, and to keep people terrorized with panic and confusion. Meerloo:

There is another important weapon the totalitarians use in their campaign to frighten the world into submission. This is the weapon of psychological attack. Hitler kept his enemies in a state of constant confusion and diplomatic upheaval. They never knew what this unpredictable madman was going to do next. Hitler was never logical, because he knew that was what he was expected to be. Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot–it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal in a cold war than logic and reason. While the enemy is still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault him with another. (Meerloo: ‘The Rape of The Mind’; pg. 101)

Psychological tricks and disinformation campaigns are being directed against the American people because undermining the psychological health of the American people is one of the goals of the traitors in power.

Front Two: Economic Front – Economic Warfare

Simply put, a poor population is more likely to be dependent on the government to meet the basic needs of life than a self-sufficient and wealthy population. Besides tyranny, poverty is the greatest enemy of freedom. The economic war against the American people has led to massive unemployment, housing foreclosures, homelessness, and general impoverishment. It is important to know that the economic crash in 2008 did not happen by accident but a result of government policy. And the bank bailouts were not intended to provide jobs but save the dysfunctional and corrupt banking system. America’s political and financial ruling elite is beyond ruthless. They will stop at nothing from crushing the American people and turning America into a bankrupt, poor, and miserable police state.

Front Three: Terror Front – Political Warfare

State terror and the political use of fear is common in authoritarian and unpopular regimes. A government staged terrorist attack keeps the people in a state of panic and confusion, afraid for their lives, and pleading for security from the government. What more can tyrants ask for? Using state terrorism to resolve social and political problems is a win-win-win formula. Nothing else equals the magical spell that is cast on the people through the instrument of fear.

Front Four: Illegal Immigration Front – Demographic Warfare

Immigration is good. America was built on immigration. But an excess of anything is bad. The problem with America’s immigration system today is that it has been hijacked by globalist conspirators who are using immigration as a political weapon to weaken the American people’s resolve to deal with tough economic and political issues, and to further divide the country into the rich and poor, white and Mexican, citizen and non-citizen, etc. A wise and just policy is not being taken to address the immigration problem by the establishment in Washington because they do not want to do anything about it. Their goal is to destabilize and ultimately destroy America, not protect and save it.

If Mexico’s economy was not destroyed by NAFTA and other corporatist policies that benefit a small financial and political elite in Mexico, America, and Canada then there would be more jobs for the Mexican people in Mexico and less incentive to migrate to America to work. It is important to understand that both the Mexican people and the American people are the victims in the illegal immigration crisis which is connected to the larger economic crisis.

Front Five: Media Front – Information Warfare

There is not much that needs to be said here. It is self-evident that the mass media is interested in propaganda rather than informing the people about what their government is doing in their name. I view the deliberate withholding of information that proves that America is controlled by traitors who murdered Americans on September 11, 2001 as a crime against humanity. It is the greatest betrayal of the people’s trust.

IV. The War For The Hearts And Minds of The American People

“Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed–and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution- -not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.” – President John F. Kennedy, The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961.

The murder of John F. Kennedy was a tragedy and a crime against humanity, but it is nothing compared to the murder of an entire nation. America is being lined up to be killed and destroyed just as JFK was on November 22, 1963.

But America is not going down without a fight. The war for the hearts and minds of the people is being fought every day. One of the great generals in the infowar is Alex Jones. People wonder why Alex Jones is angry at the U.S. government and why he is always ranting. They say Alex is eccentric and psychotic for being mad but I think this criticism is stupid, backward and crazy because anger is a natural reaction to treason and grand deception. The American people are treated like fools and cattle. Alex Jones is passionate and mad for good reason. “Passion,” said William Hazlitt, “is the essence, the chief ingredient in moral truth."

If you are not angry then you are not informed. And when you are not informed you make it easier for tyrants to lie to you, rob you, enslave you, and kill you.

War’s necessary! US defense contractors ‘raking in the dough’

May 19, 2011

America may be being dragged down by record debt and unemployment filtering throughout the economy – but there’s one industry that’s bucking the trend. It’s a boom time for arms manufacturers right now, and they’re branding themselves as saviours of the job market. RT’s Kaelyn Forde reports on how Americans have little choice but to go gunning for work.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Characteristics of US Government Cover-ups

By: Dr. J. P. Hubert

After studying several monumental events in US history it has become clear that those in which an organized conspiracy has taken place share many similar characteristics which do not apply to naturally occurring events, particularly in the so-called cover-up phase. For the purposes of this essay, I will briefly compare and contrast the JFK Assassination and the 911 Attacks. Readers will find numerous references that address each of these HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE for example if unfamiliar with the details which are now known about these cases.

Both events markedly altered the national psyche and trajectory while each one was followed by a failure to secure the “crime scene.” In neither case was the proper legal procedure followed particularly with respect to the local laws of criminal jurisdiction, investigation, and prosecution.
In both instances, a federal commission was established which sought to bolster a pre-determined explanation rather than having as its highest priority the discovery of the truth.

In each case, the explanation provided by the government was poorly accepted a situation which has only increased rather than decreased with time.

Perhaps more disturbingly, many Americans who have taken the time and effort to study the available evidence (and who have found it to be incompatible with the interpretation provided by the government) have been ridiculed, harassed, marginalized and in some cases become the victims of sudden and otherwise unexplained trauma and even death. Various names have been invented by those who parrot the government line including, “Truther’s”, “Conspiracy Nuts” etc.

Another extremely bizarre characteristic is that in these cases, what would normally appear to be highly qualified experts with impecable credentials are unable to agree upon even the basic evidentiary facts. The 911 issue is a case in point. One example is that after almost 10 years since the destruction of the Twin Towers, there is still no agreement on whether molten steel was present for weeks in the sub-ground levels of each building's footprint. Experts on each side of the issue insist that their claims and their claims only reflect reality. Since only one option can be true, one is necessarily wrong. Either molten steel was present or it was not.

Whenever a governmentally sponsored/interpreted event has the above enumerated characteristics, it must be assumed until proven otherwise to be a psychological operation (psyop) the intent of which is to deceive on a massive scale. The latest case in point is the recent alleged killing of OBL. Absolutely nothing about the event has remained constant. Virtually everything has changed multiple times. The data simply refuse to “settle down” mostly because many of the claims are mutually exclusive that is, contradictory. In order to accept the many disparate claims one would have to repeal the law of non-contradiction.

Those in power behave as if first principles of being simply do not exist. Presumably this is what Karl Rove the G. W. Bush administration operative meant when he apparently said that they “create their own reality.”

"The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

It has become apparent in view of the fact that the United States Supreme Court has embraced the judicial theory of legal positivism that more than the executive branch now accepts that “reality itself” is not only what they make it, but subject to manipulation, given the many new technological wonders which now make it virtually impossible to determine what has actually occurred. The use by those in power of photo-shop software, 3D videos, holograms, electronically sabotaged voting machines and numerous other inventions places most people at a severe disadvantage.

We have truly entered a not so “Brave New World” in which state-sponsored propaganda proliferation is at an all-time high. It has never been easier to “brain-wash” the masses given that the captured elite media now have a 24 hour/day news cycle with which to program the populace. Only through aggressive use of the alternative media is it remotely possible to ascertain the truth. For how long that will be the case is unknown. The current trajectory however suggests that time may be shorter than we think.

Can Americans Be Unplugged? The Ongoing bin Laden Saga

By Paul Craig Roberts

"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it." - The Matrix (1999)

May 17, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- -- The ever-changing, ever-growing bin Laden story becomes ever more preposterous. The cowardly bin Laden is now the vain bin Laden, the terror mastermind who has nothing to do but to sit and watch videos of himself.

Washington released a video of an alleged bin Laden indulging in self-admiration, but there is no sound. Why? Was the video made without sound? Did Washington delete the audio? The video seems to show the alleged bin Laden speaking to someone in the room. Is the voice not bin Laden’s? Is the alleged bin Laden referring to the image on the screen in the third person, as not himself? Why would bin Laden have a video made of himself watching videos of himself? Why is a video of bin Laden watching bin Laden a headline story? Is it meant to substitute for the absence of a corpse?

As one reader put it, “The government is playing with us, experimenting to see if there is any tall tale we won’t believe.”

The story keeps changing as to whether “bin Laden’s compound,” no longer a million dollar luxury mansion, had Internet and communications or relied on couriers. The latest installment is that bin Laden was online. Washington says that the raid delivered into its hands bin Laden’s emails and diary, which, Washington claims, show an active bin Laden directing his terror network to carry out more plots. If bin Laden was online, why did Obama have to find him by trailing a courier?

Somehow the SEALs grabbed bin Laden’s diary and emails, but left all sorts of other documents that allegedly have fallen into Pakistani hands. These left-behind documents now serve as a pretext for more disputes with Pakistan and another excuse for ignoring Pakistan’s protests about the military operations the US carries out in Pakistan, violating the sovereignty of the country.

Why would the SEALs leave behind so many precious documents? First they kill for no reason the mastermind who could have revealed the world of terror; then they depart, leaving terror records behind. Some will say that this is typical US government incompetence. So how did such an incompetent government find bin Laden?

Any documents left behind were most likely carried in by the SEALs as plants.

Has anyone independent of Washington examined the alleged bin Laden diary and confirmed that it was in bin Laden’s handwriting? These kind of questions are the kind the media, back when we had one, used to ask.

The bin Laden story is now such a fable with so many contradictory bits that people can pick and choose to suit the telling. Time magazine likes it all, except the part about an all-powerful bin Laden, still in control, rejecting an underling’s proposal “to fit a tractor with rotating blades to use to ‘mow down the enemies of Allah.’” Time prefers a bin Laden who was unsettled by his realization that he had lost his “historic significance” prior to losing his life to the US Navy SEALs.

If bin Laden had lost his significance, why did Obama get such a boost in the polls from his claim that he found bin Laden and had him killed?

The American Empire cannot do without bin Laden. The next installment of the fable will be that bin Laden escaped, leaving behind a double, and is abroad carrying out more terror plots.

As the fable continues, try to rescue from the Memory Hole the fact that we were presented with a death without a corpse and that Washington has no explanation for why an unarmed, undefended, frail man, who was a font of terrorist information, was murdered and not captured.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Israel's Attack on Humanitarian Ship to Gaza.

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research
May 16, 2011

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie (officially known as FINCH) carrying a humanitarian cargo to Gaza was attacked by an Israeli naval patrol within the so-called Palestinian Security Zone on May 15, at 10.54pm EDT.

In the course of the last few hours, Global Research has communicated several times with the Rachel Corrie vessel en route to Gaza. What is provided below is a detailed update. An earlier article was posted at 12.30am EDT

The vessel left the Greek Port of Piraeus, on Wednesday, May 11. The humanitarian initiative is sponsored by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF), chaired by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad.

Participating in this mission are anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish, 2 Indians and 1 Canadian. The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is a partner in this endeavor. Global Research`s Julie Lévesque is on board the Rachel Corrie:

The cargo ship The Spirit of Rachel Corrie (officially known as FINCH) is carrying 7.5 kilometers of UPVC (plastic) sewage pipes to help restore the devastated sewerage system in Gaza. The ship was named after the courageous American activist who was crushed and killed by an Israeli bulldozer in 2003 while trying to prevent the demolition of another Palestinian home. She died at 23. ( Perdana's Second Press Release, Nakba and the Spirit of Rachel Corrie: Humanitarian Ship Attacked by Israel now within 1.5 nautical miles of Gazan Waters Global Research, May 16, 2011)

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie entered Gazan waters without being detected.

The Israeli navy with its radar equipment and advanced communications technology was unaware of the Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission.

They were unprepared. They had received no prior information of the Rachel Corrie Mission, which had been planned for several months, scheduled to arrive off the coast of Gaza on the day of the "Nakba" commemoration.

Ironically, Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency was unaware of this mission. The Israeli navy vessels acted in an improvised fashion, without prior knowledge or intelligence. There was no indication that they had received precise instructions from the Israeli government.

At the time of the attack, the passengers on board were under the impression that the ship was still in international waters, when in fact is was one mile inside the "Palestinian Security zone", namely in Gaza territorial waters, within a short distance of the Gaza coastline. This was an important accomplishment.

Indicated below is the initial report sent to Global Research by text message:

At 10.54 pm Eastern Time (EDT), the Spirit of Rachel Corrie was intercepted by an Israeli ship and a Egyptian ship in international waters [correction: within Gaza Territorial waters]

10:54pm EDT, Gaza 5:54am: We have been intercepted by Israeli ship and Egyptian ship. We are disobeying the orders and sailing ahead to Gaza.

10:57pm EDT, Gaza 5:57am: One Israeli warship coming to us very fast! We are in international waters, therefore they have no right to attack us. We are still sailing ahead.

10:59pm EDT, Gaza 5:59am: They are opening fire across our ship! We are still sailing ahead.

11:09pm EDT, Gaza 6:09am: They are shooting all over the place. We can't continue ...

11:35pm EDT, Gaza 6:35am: They circled our ship twice and fired across our ship. Machine guns. No one was injured. One of the fishing nets caught the propeller, so we can't move now.

11:37pm EDT, Gaza 6:37am: The Israeli ship was coming from one end and the Egyptian ship was coming from another end. Firing. We are just stalled now. Everybody is okay. No one is injured.

Two Israeli naval vessels initially launched a "warning attack" on the Rachel Corrie, indicating that if the ship did not change course, they would shoot at the crew and the passengers. One of the passengers was almost killed as a result of the attacks. (See Bernama, May 16, 2011)

The following exchange took place between the Israeli navy and the ship as reported by the Free Malaysia Today journalist on board the Spirit of Rachel Corrie:

"Israeli army: This is a warning shot. Turn around.

Captain Jalil Mansor: We are unarmed civilians on a humanitarian mission to Gaza.

Israeli army: This is a closed military zone. It’s a violation. Turn around.

Mansor: We will continue (the mission).

The Israelis then headed to the back of the aid vessel and released a second warning shot into the air.

Graham: This is a violation (of international law). We are on a peaceful mission and unarmed.

Israeli army: Turn around. We will fire again.

Graham: You are firing towards unarmed civilians.

Israeli army: We didn’t fire towards unarmed civilians.

Graham: Looks like firing towards us.

Israeli army: We didn’t fire towards you. That is only a warning shot.

Following that conversation, the Israeli army fired two more shots and threatened: “Next time, we will land on your ship.”

Then the Egyptian navy was heard telling the Israelis on the radio: “Stop firing. They are in Egyptian waters.”

Upon realising the presence of Egyptian naval forces, the Israelis departed." (Free Malaysia Today, May 16, 2011)

The Egyptian navy guard was initially unaware of what was occurring. The Israeli navy contacted the Egyptian navy and initially got no response.

Our earlier report (filed at 12.30am) following communication with the ship shortly after midnight (March 16) pointed to cooperation between the Israeli navy and their Egyptian counterparts. While there was cooperation, the Egyptians played a supportive role, which served to appease the Israeli attacks. They also ensured the escorting of the Spirit of Rachel Corrie into Egyptian territorial waters.

The Israeli Navy had contacted the Spirit of Rachel Corrie. They were informed regarding the nature of the cargo and that the crew and passengers were unarmed civilians.

The warning attack was aggressive using automatic weapons. Two Israeli naval patrol boats armed with machine guns were deployed. The Israelis also opened fire on a Palestinian fishing boat which was within Gazan territorial waters.

Following the initial "warning attack" they ordered the Spirit of Rachel Corrie to turn back. "Turn around or we'll shoot". However, once the ship changed course as demanded by the Israeli commando, they continued firing on the ship: "They started shooting to kill"

The Egyptian navy ship while communicating with the Israeli Navy was instrumental in escorting the ship to safe haven. The crew of the Egyptian ship was supportive in ensuring the safety of the crew and passengers of the humanitarian vessel.

There was communication between the Israeli and Egyptian ships and the Israeli's "thanked" the Egyptian ship for having intervened.

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie, its crew and passengers are now in Egyptian territorial water, anchored off the Egyptian port of Al Arish, within a short distance of Gaza territorial waters.

It is essential at this stage to mobilize Worldwide in support for the Spirit of Rachel Corrie, break the blockade, open up Gazan territorial waters to aid and trade and also use this opportunity to open the land border between Egypt and Gaza.

The humanitarian convoy is of significance in the process of rehabilitation of Gaza's public health infrastructure including its sewage system which was partially destroyed by Israeli bombings under Operation Cast Lead:

On 27 December 2008, the Israeli military launched Operation Cast Lead, which not only killed some 1400 Palestinians, but also destroyed vital infrastructure leaving the Gazans with critical water and sewage problems. Repair of the infrastructure has proved impossible as Israel has prevented the entry of construction materials and fuel to resolve this dire situation.

According to a report from the Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group (EWASH), "the release of 80 million litres of untreated or partially treated sewage into the environment and Mediterranean Sea each day is primarily a result of the Israeli imposed blockade on the Gaza Strip."

Gaza, one of the world's most densely populated areas, is currently dealing with serious health issues such as the blue baby syndrome, diarrhea and other waterborne diseases like typhoid and hepatitis A. The World Health Organization is warning of a possible cholera epidemic if nothing is done rapidly to resolve this sanitation crisis.

According to Physicians for Human Rights-Israel: "Between 90% and 95% of the aquifers in the Gaza Strip are not safe for drinking." The primary cause of the current problem originates from the destruction, during Operation Cast Lead, of "20 kilometers of water pipes, 7.5 kilometers of sewage pipes and 5,700 mobile water tanks".

While the Gazans are experiencing the dramatic environmental impacts of the sewage and water crisis, the effects have already reached the Israeli shores, and could spread further affecting neighbouring countries. This severe health and environmental issue needs to be dealt with urgently. The international community must demand that the illegal Israeli blockade be lifted.

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission stemmed from PGFP's participation in the Freedom Flotilla in 2010, in which 9 activists were killed by Israeli commandos. Following a fact finding mission conducted in Gaza in October 2010, PGPF decided to continue its efforts to assist Palestinians and shows this project as the most immediate of all priorities. See Perdana's Second Press Release, Nakba and the Spirit of Rachel Corrie: Humanitarian Ship Attacked by Israel now within 1.5 nautical miles of Gazan Waters 0777 646 2379, Global Research, May 16, 2011)

Richard Celente Warns of WWIII

Libya is US, China's Battleground'

Paul Craig Roberts
Video Interview
Posted May 16, 2011

Jim Rogers: 'US the Largest Debtor Nation in History'

Jim Rogers predicts more crises in the currency market, happening as early as this Fall. He thinks this will force America to do something about the flawed US dollar. Rogers says the next crisis will be worse than the financial collapse of 2008.
Posted May 16, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Congress To Vote On Declaration of Worldwide Perpetual War; No Borders, No Clear Enemies

The United States Congress is set to vote on legislation that authorizes the official start of World War 3, a worldwide war against an invisible enemy that can reside in any country the U.S. Government chooses.

Alexander Higgins with excerpts from Alex Thomas
The Intel Hub
Monday, May 16, 2011

The legislation authorizes the President of the United States to take unilateral military action against all nations, organizations, and persons — both domestically and abroad — who are alleged to be currently, (or in the past) engaged in hostilities, or who have provided aid in support of hostilities against the United States or any of its coalition allies.

The legislation removes the requirement of Congressional approval for the use of military force and instead gives the President totalitarian dictatorial authority to engage in any and all military actions for an indefinite period of time.

It even authorizes the President the authority to launch attacks against American citizens inside the United States with no Congressional oversight whatsoever.

Just to recap, because that was a mouthful:

Endless War – The war will continue until all hostilities are terminated, which will never happen.

No Borders – The president will have the full authority to launch military strikes against any country, organization or person, including against U.S citizens on U.S soil.

Unilateral Military Action – Full authority to invade any nation at any time with no congressional approval required.

No Clearly Defined Enemy – The US can declare or allege anyone a terrorist or allege they are or have been supporting “hostilities” against the US and attack at will.

Authorization To Invade Several Countries – The president would have full authority to invade Iran, Syria, North Korea, along with several other nations in Africa and the Middle East and even Russia and China under the legislation all of which are “known” to have supported and aided hostilities against the United States.

The American Civil Liberties Union writes:

New Authorization of Worldwide War Without End?

Congress may soon vote on a new declaration of worldwide war without end, and without clear enemies. A “sleeper provision” deep inside defense bills pending before Congress could become the single biggest hand-over of unchecked war authority from Congress to the executive branch in modern American history.

President Obama has not sought new war authority. In fact, his administration has made clear that it believes it already has all of the authority that it needs to fight terrorism.

But Congress is considering monumental new legislation that would grant the president – and all presidents after him – sweeping new power to make war almost anywhere and everywhere. Unlike previous grants of authority for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the proposed legislation would allow a president to use military force wherever terrorism suspects are present in the world, regardless of whether there has been any harm to U.S. citizens, or any attack on the United States, or any imminent threat of an attack. The legislation is broad enough to permit a president to use military force within the United States and against American citizens. The legislation contains no expiration date, and no criteria to determine when a president’s authority to use military force would end.

Of all of the powers that the Constitution assigns to Congress, no power is more fundamental or important than the power “to declare War.” That is why, in 2002, when Congress was considering whether to authorize war in Iraq, it held fifteen hearings, and passed legislation that cited specific harms, set limits, and defined a clear objective. Now, Congress is poised to give unchecked authority to the executive branch to use military force worldwide, with profoundly negative consequences for our fundamental democratic system of checks and balances. Once Congress expands the president’s war power, it will be nearly impossible to rein it back in. The ACLU strongly opposes a wholesale turnover of war power from Congress to the president – and all of his successors.

Coalition Memo to the House Committee on Armed Services Regarding a Proposed New Declaration of War

Comparison of 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force and Proposed Expanded Authorization

The offending text uses doublespeak to declare perpetual war.

Specifically, the text uses the phrase “affirms” armed conflict which is the terminology used by congress to declare war in every instance since World War II.

Congress affirms that –

(1) the United States is engaged in an armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces and that those entities continue to pose a threat to the United States and its citizens, both domestically and abroad;

(2) the President has the authority to use all necessary and appropriate force during the current armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note);

(3) the current armed conflict includes nations, organization, and persons who–

(A) are part of, or are substantially supporting, al‐Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners; or

(B) have engaged in hostilities or have directly supported hostilities in aid of a nation, organization, or person described in subparagraph (A); and

(4) the President’s authority pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority to detain belligerents, including persons described in paragraph (3), until the termination of hostilities.

Indeed, the moment we all feared has come before us, as Congress is set to give the President absolute power over the military, including the authority to launch military strikes within the United States against U.S. citizens.

With the assassination of Osama Bin Laden on Pakistan soil many were naive enough to believe that the War on Terror would come to an end.

Instead, the reported success of the raid to kill Osama bin Laden is being used as a crutch to push through new legislation in the defense bills which literally authorize World War 3, an endless war with no defined enemies and no borders.

The whole Osama Bin Laden staged media spectacle was put forward not only in order to install TSA in train stations, malls, and all major public events; it is also being used to convince the public to support endless war all in the name of security.

Short of committing genocide, the termination of the hostilities will never come and as such the war will never come to end.

We have already learned that officials falsified reports that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq for the “prize” of oil.

If a whole government of top officials can not be trusted, then surely a single president cannot be trusted either.

We have seen the U.S Government turn Nazi and buy and burn every copy of a book that had evidence of a 9/11 cover up. The Department of Justice has already published a memo calling constitutionalists and survivalists potential terrorists.

Is it not bad enough that U.S courts have already legalized the abduction of U.S citizens along with their indefinite detention and torture in overseas prison camps? Or that the U.S Government openly admits to gunning down, kidnapping and torturing American college students?

Under the definition of the legislation, the president could authorize the military to attack the ACLU building because they have supported the “terrorists” by arguing for their civil rights.

How long will it take before this moves towards assassinating activists?

The have already labeled conspiracy theories as “dangerous thoughts that could lead to violence” and have even specifically called The Intel Hub, which routinely publishes my articles, an echo chamber pushing out “dangerous thoughts that could lead to violence”.

Uncle Sam openly admits to turning its multi-billion dollar espionage network against U.S citizens which has produced such great fruits as innocent activists exercising their first amendment rights being placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

Just remember that as long as we are in a state of war your civil liberties and constitutional rights are pretty much null and void, only enforceable if the Government allows you to have them.

Even then, they can declare you a terrorist, an enemy combatant, or a threat to national security to revoke your constitutional rights immediately. They then can play the national security card when they are asked to explain their allegations.

This is rotten all around, and the first step to getting our rights back is to end the perpetual wars.

Contact your congressman and tell them NO WAY to this egregious bill!!

Report: 9/11 Mastermind, Bin Laden, Assassinated in Pakistan

by Enver Masud
May 6, 2011 (Rev May 8)
The Wisdom Fund

Is Bin Laden dead? Probably. Was he killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan? Possibly. Was he the 'mastermind' of 9/11? No -- his death is a distraction from more important issues.

On May 1, President Obama reported that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by U.S. Navy SEALS in a house in Abbottabad, Pakistan. In the following we present what we know, and do not know, about the killing of the alleged mastermind of 9/11. In the interest of brevity, the presentation is in outline form.

9/11: The Evidence Against Bin Laden

FBI Director Robert Mueller, in a speech at the Commonwealth Club on April 19, 2002, said: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot."

In fact there are no Arab names on the partial list of passengers on the 9/11 flights.

To this day, the FBI page states: "Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world."

In June 2006, when asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI's web page, Rex Tomb, the FBI's Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."

On September 22, 2001, the Bush administration said that "it would release evidence that Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden masterminded the attacks Sept. 11 on the United States, part of an effort to convince the world that a military response is justified."

"I am absolutely convinced that the al-Qaida network, which he heads, was responsible for this attack," Secretary of State Colin Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Ten years on, we're still waiting for this evidence.

On March 29, 2006, on Fox News Radio, the Tony Snow Show, Vice President Dick Cheney stated: "We've never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming."

Taliban Offered Bin Laden to U.S.

• The Taliban's ambassador to Pakistan, Abdul Salam Zaeef, made the offer at a news conference in Islamabad. Zaeef said the Taliban would detain bin Laden and try him under Islamic law if the United States makes a formal request and presents them with evidence. ("U.S. rejects Taliban offer to try bin Laden,", October 7, 2001)

• The offer yesterday from Haji Abdul Kabir, the Taliban's deputy prime minister, to surrender Mr bin Laden if America would halt its bombing and provide evidence against the Saudi-born dissident was not new. (Andrew Buncomb, "Bush rejects Taliban offer to surrender bin Laden," Independent, October 15, 2001)

Prior Reports of Bin Laden's Death

• Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader. . . .

About 30 close associates of bin Laden in Al Qaeda, including his most trusted and personal bodyguards, his family members and some "Taliban friends," attended the funeral rites. ("Report: Bin Laden Already Dead,", December 26, 2001)

• . . . former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is telling reporters that the Bush administration may already have captured Osama bin Laden and will release the news just before next year's presidential election. ("Madeleine Albright: Bush Planning Bin Laden October Surprise,", December 17, 2003)

• Angelo M. Codevilla, who teaches international relations at Boston University, is a former U.S. intelligence officer who studied Soviet disinformation techniques during the Cold War. He says a close examination of all the alleged bin Laden tapes, including the videos, have convinced him that Elvis Presley is more alive than Osama bin Laden. . . .
The last credible intercepts of bin Laden's voice were made by overhead satellites in early December 2001 as he was escaping through the Tora Bora mountain range . . .

Bin Laden was suffering from a kidney ailment, and some experts say he died Dec. 13, 2001, four days after his escape from Tora Bora. (Arnaud de Borchgrave, "Man or myth argument is alive and well online," Washington Times, July 26, 2010)

• The leaked documents also claim that Osama bin Laden, who was reported dead three years ago by the late Pakistan candidate Benazir Bhutto on BBC, was still alive, conveniently keeping the myth alive for the Obama Administration War on Terror at a point when most Americans had forgotten the original reason the Bush Administration allegedly invaded Afghanistan to pursue the Saudi Bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks. (F. William Engdahl, "Something stinks about Wikileaks,", August 11, 2010)

• Preeminent 9/11 author, Prof. David Ray Griffin, examined purported messages from bin Laden since 2001 and found little evidence that they in fact came from bin Laden himself. (David Ray Griffin, "Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?," Olive Branch Press, May 20, 2009)

Report: OBL Assassinated in Abbottabad

• U.S. officials said the helicopter raid in Pakistan was carried out by CIA paramilitaries together with the elite Navy SEAL Team Six. The U.S. team took custody of bin Laden's remains, which American officials said were being handled in accordance with Islamic tradition. . . .

In August, 2010, intelligence officials found what they suspected to be bin Laden's residence in Abbottabad, Pakistan, an affluent area with lots of retired military. ("Osama Bin Laden is Dead," CBS/AP, May 1, 2011)

• The release of a photograph purporting to show bin Laden's corpse - which was later confirmed to be a fake - added to the confusion. ("Can US Offer Final Proof Of Osama's Death?,", May 2, 2011)

• Sources confirmed to CBS News national security correspondent David Martin that his body was released into the sea from a U.S. Navy vessel on Monday, likely into the Indian Ocean.

Bin Laden was a Saudi national, but officials tell CBS News that the Kingdom was unwilling to have his remains repatriated. ("Osama bin Laden's body buried at sea," CBS/AP, May 2, 2011)

• Islam does NOT require burial within 24 hours. Why not bury him in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Guantanamo . . . or let the locals bury him?

• US officials have now conceded that Bin Laden was not armed during the assault, did not fire back and that his wife was only injured in the assault. (Peter Foster, "Osama bin Laden 'Was Not Armed and Did Not Use Wife as Human Shield'," Telegraph, May 3, 2011)

• Four of the five people shot to death in the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, including the al-Qaida leader himself, were unarmed and never fired a shot, U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday - an account that differs markedly from the Obama administration's original claims that the Navy SEALs came under heavy small-arms fire in a prolonged firefight. (Jim Miklaszewski, "Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed,", May 4, 2011)


• In 1976, President Ford issued Executive Order 11905 to clarify U.S. foreign intelligence activities. The order was enacted in response to the post-Watergate revelations that the CIA had staged multiple attempts on the life of Cuban President Fidel Castro.

. . . Section 5(g), entitled "Prohibition on Assassination," states: "No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination." ("U.S. policy on assassinations,", November 4, 2002)

• "China holds that the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of any country should be respected," said Jiang Yu, a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, according to Xinhua news agency. ("China blasts US government for operation that killed Osama,", May 5, 2011)

About a year ago, I wrote: "We suspect that when bin Laden is 'killed,' we'll just have to trust the folks that lied us into war to confirm they got him."
Is Bin Laden dead? Probably. Was he killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan? Possibly. Was he the "mastermind" of 9/11? No.

Bin Laden's death is a distraction from more important issues: Why did President Bush launch the war on Afghanistan? Why did President Obama make it his war?