An interview with Professor Francis Boyle
Was the 2001 anthrax attack an attempt to foment a police state?
By Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
Professor Francis Boyle discusses the October 2001 anthrax attack, the technology behind the letter to Senator Daschle, and assesses the case based on his years of expertise with America’s bio-weapons programs, and as an expert who was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. He discusses possible motivations behind the anthrax attacks, including those held by criminal elements within the US government to foment a police state, and the investigation that never was. Professor Boyle talks about Israel war crimes as crimes against humanity, and more.
click HERE... to listen to Professor Boyle's interview.
A blog which is dedicated to the use of Traditional (Aristotelian/Thomistic) moral reasoning in the analysis of current events. Readers are challenged to reject the Hegelian Dialectic and go beyond the customary Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative One--Dimensional Divide. This site is not-for-profit. The information contained here-in is for educational and personal enrichment purposes only. Please generously share all material with others. --Dr. J. P. Hubert
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Gov. Bobby Jindal asks feds for help in feeding, training those affected by Gulf of Mexico oil spill
By Ed Anderson,
The Times-Picayune
May 01, 2010, 8:40PM
BATON ROUGE -- Gov. Bobby Jindal called on federal agencies Saturday to make available supplies and funds to help feed and provide jobless benefits to workers thrown out of jobs by by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Jindal asked the federal Departments of Labor and Agriculture departments to let him know by the end of business Monday if they can grant the requests.
In separate letters to the agencies, Jindal pointed out that BP, the oil company that leased the rig that topped and is spewing oil into the Gulf, will ultimately be responsible for making payments to those affected.
He said that was making the requests "in an abundance of caution" in case BP's plans "fall short of meeting the needs of our people."
Jindal said the requests are also being made in preparation for "a worst-case scenario." .
In his letter to federal agriculture officials, Jindal asked them to make available food supplies to the state and disaster relief organizations -- possibly for distribution to shelters, mass-feeding sites and individual households, if needed.
He also asked federal agriculture officials to authorize the use of emergency food stamp benefits to persons who may be out of work or are losing income because of the oil spill.
Jindal said that 10 teams from the state Department of Social Services will be in coastal parishes Monday to interview people who might qualify for the emergency benefits.
Applications can also be obtained HERE..., he said.
Jindal has asked the labor department to approve financing of disaster-related "workforce training and job placement services" for fishers and others who may be out of work as a result of the spill.
He also asked officials for approval of unemployment benefits for workers "displaced as a result of the oil spill."
Federal officials have already approved the pay of up to 6,000 Louisiana National Guard troops for up to 90 days to help in the spill clean-up and related activities. So far, Jindal said, 300 have been assigned to Plaquemines Parish, 300 have been deployed to St. Bernard Parish and another 1,000 are on standby.
Jindal said the Guard will be used to provide security and communications and will help in the clean-up activities
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